Healthwatch by Shyft


289 Results found!

Spotting the Signs of Depression: How to Get the Help You Need

Spotting the Signs of Depression: How to Get the Help You Need

Depression affects an estimated 264 million people worldwide. Yes, you read that right. Depression is a serious mental health condition that can affect people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. While it is normal to experience feelings of sadness and low mood from time to time, depression is more than just feeling down. It is a complex mental health condition that can affect every aspect of a person's life. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of depression is crucial to…


3 minutes



13 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

The Secret to Clear Skin? It’s All in Your Gut

The Secret to Clear Skin? It’s All in Your Gut

From acne to eczema, skin conditions can be frustrating and difficult to manage. But what if we told you that the key to healthy skin might lie in your gut? Your gut health is like the control centre of your body, responsible for digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria. But did you know that the state of your gut can also affect your skin health? That's right! Research suggests that a healthy gut is crucial…


6 minutes



13 Aug 2023

Most read

Healthy Meal Planning: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body for the Week

Healthy Meal Planning: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body for the Week

Planning healthy meals for the week can seem daunting at first, but with a little bit of effort and organization, it can become a seamless and enjoyable process. By preparing meals in advance, you can ensure that you're eating a balanced diet, save money on eating out, and reduce food waste. In this blog, we'll discuss some practical tips on how to plan healthy meals for the week, keeping an Indian perspective in mind. Step 1: Create a Meal Plan…


5 minutes



13 Aug 2023

Most read

Tests for Thyroid Disorders

Tests for Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid tests generally involve blood tests, tests that make use of radioactive iodine, and imaging tests. Most tests are used to determine the functioning capacity of the thyroid gland. Imaging tests are required to investigate structural abnormalities, like nodules or goitre. When should you get your thyroid tested? It is recommended that all adults should undergo screening for thyroid disorders with a thyroid profile blood test every five years, starting from the age of thirty-five years. One should not ignore…


3 minutes



13 Aug 2023


The Importance of a Healthy Postnatal Diet: Tips for New Moms

The Importance of a Healthy Postnatal Diet: Tips for New Moms

Congratulations on becoming a new mom! As you navigate through the joys and challenges of motherhood, one thing that should never be overlooked is your postnatal diet. After all, it's not just about nourishing yourself but also your little one who relies solely on you for nutrition. A healthy postnatal diet can help you recover from childbirth faster and provide essential nutrients to support breastfeeding. In this blog post, we'll explore some tips and tricks to help new moms prioritize…


8 minutes



13 Aug 2023


Exercises for Acid Reflux

Exercises for Acid Reflux

If you’re suffering from acid reflux you may be scared of working out as many exercises can bring out the worst symptoms of your disease. But doctors keep telling you to lose weight to cure the symptoms. Are you finding it tough to jostle between the two opposite realities? Don’t worry! We are here with a full guide on how to plan your workout regimen with acid reflux to stay healthy, safe and happy. Acid reflux is a condition where…


5 minutes



13 Aug 2023


The Rainbow Diet: Weight Loss With Colour

The Rainbow Diet: Weight Loss With Colour

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the connection between nutrition and weight loss. The idea of following a specific diet to lose weight is not new, but the Rainbow Diet takes a different approach, focusing on consuming a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. This approach not only helps with weight loss but also promotes overall health and wellbeing. What is the Rainbow Diet? The Rainbow Diet is a simple concept that involves incorporating a variety…


4 minutes



13 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

Tossing and Turning: The Impact of Sleep Disorders

Tossing and Turning: The Impact of Sleep Disorders

Do you have permanent eye bags under your eyes, after you joined med school? Can you not sleep however much you try? Constant exhaustion? Randomly sleeping in the middle of the day? If these situations have been constant and have been causing a major hindrance in your life, you might be looking at something bigger than “routine problems”. Sleep disorders are illnesses that impair a person's ability to operate normally when they are awake by affecting the quantity, timing, or…


4 minutes



06 Aug 2023

Most read

Gut health made easy: the top 10 exercises to try

Gut health made easy: the top 10 exercises to try

The secret to a happy gut? Exercise! Did you know that your gut health can affect not just your digestion but also your overall well-being? Yes, you heard that right! Your gut houses a diverse community of microorganisms, known as the gut microbiome, that play a crucial role in maintaining your physical and mental health. And maintaining a healthy gut should be our priority. But, how do you keep your gut healthy? Exercise can be your answer. How does exercise…


4 minutes



06 Aug 2023

Most read

How to manage Oily Skin?

How to manage Oily Skin?

Oily skin can be a real challenge to manage. It can make your face look shiny and greasy and lead to breakouts and acne. However, with the proper skincare routine, it is possible to keep oily skin under control and achieve a healthy, balanced complexion. This blog will discuss some of the best ways to manage oily skin. Cleanse Your Skin Twice a Day 8 Tips to Manage Oily Skin Cleansing is the most crucial step in any skincare routine,…


3 minutes



06 Aug 2023


Twist and Breathe Your Way to Better Gut Health with Yoga

Twist and Breathe Your Way to Better Gut Health with Yoga

The human gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being. From aiding in digestion and nutrient absorption to regulating the immune system and producing neurotransmitters, the gut microbiome has a hand in almost every aspect of our physical and mental health. Several factors can influence the health and diversity of the gut microbiome, including diet, stress, and medication use. One factor that has gained increasing…


4 minutes



06 Aug 2023


Healthy Dining Out: Tips and Tricks for Sticking to Your Diet

Healthy Dining Out: Tips and Tricks for Sticking to Your Diet

Sticking to a healthy diet can be challenging, especially when dining out. With the availability of delicious yet unhealthy options on restaurant menus, it can be tempting to indulge in your favourite dishes. However, with a little planning and mindfulness, it is possible to enjoy a nutritious meal while dining out. Here are some tips on how to stick to a healthy diet when eating out. Choose the Right Restaurant When it comes to dining out, choosing the right restaurant…


4 minutes



06 Aug 2023
