Healthwatch by Shyft


289 Results found!

Scrolling and Struggling: The Impact of Social Media on ADHD

Scrolling and Struggling: The Impact of Social Media on ADHD

In the time, where your meme gets lost in a second, never to be found again and news circulates on our stories like a forest fire, social media is undeniably a significant player in our lives. It impacts what we see, and how we see it, along with what we take away, both physically and mentally. Lately, though, every problem is being blamed on it. Would it be too far-fetched to say that social media has become our new favorite…


3 minutes



06 Apr 2023

Most read

When ADHD Comes with Extra Baggage: Understanding the Comorbidities

When ADHD Comes with Extra Baggage: Understanding the Comorbidities

Plus one, a lot of baggage incoming! Isn’t that the case with most things and situations in life? They come in with a lot of baggage you didn’t sign up for. In some cases, you haven’t even signed up for the situation itself, yet here you are dealing with it and the copious amount of baggage it has brought. The case with ADHD is not very different. Studies have shown that more than two third of individuals diagnosed with ADHD…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023

Food habits and routines to make nutrition easy for a person with ADHD

Food habits and routines to make nutrition easy for a person with ADHD

Having a healthy nutritious diet can be a game changer for a person with ADHD. However, choosing the correct diet, and following the instructions can become confusing and overwhelming, for both parents who have children with ADHD, and adults who have ADHD. Don’t be your own Dietician  First and foremost, consult a medical professional, or someone who is equipped with the skills and qualifications to help you figure out, your nutritional needs. Only a professional would be able to tell…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023

The Underdog of ADHD Treatment – Nutrition 

The Underdog of ADHD Treatment – Nutrition 

Nutrition plays a very crucial role in maintaining the well-being of a person. As has been defined by the World Health Organization, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” And having a healthy, nutrient-rich diet, is an essential component in maintaining or achieving this health. You all must have heard your parents or grandparents tell you, “If you would have eaten better, you wouldn’t have had to…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023

Editor’s pick

Treatment for ADHD: All You Need to Know!

Treatment for ADHD: All You Need to Know!

When you get diagnosed with ADHD, it is natural to be flooded with questions. What should be your next step? Now, we aren’t here to give you medical advice, but like a faithful friend, we want you to be aware of every option available to you for treating ADHD. Do keep in mind that what we provide is a general overview and the type of treatment suitable for someone depends on their age, symptoms, and a range of such factors.…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023


Navigating ADHD through Mindfulness Meditation Techniques

Navigating ADHD through Mindfulness Meditation Techniques

The world today moves at a brisk pace. Sometimes catching up can get overwhelming, especially if you have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Medicines (under a Doctor’s supervision) and therapy are the way to go, but if you truly want to enhance their impact and understand how your brain functions, practicing mindfulness meditation techniques can be immensely helpful. What is mindfulness? The concept of mindfulness is very simple to understand. It is the ability to be aware of where you…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023

ADHD in a Nutshell: A comprehensive guide

ADHD in a Nutshell: A comprehensive guide

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Despite its prevalence, many people are unaware of what ADHD truly entails. Think of ADHD as the rebellious teenager of the mental health world - misunderstood and often labelled as just being 'hyper' or 'impulsive.' But, like any misunderstood teen, ADHD has a unique and intricate personality all its own. In this article, we're going to peel back the layers of ADHD and uncover its quirks,…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023


Protein: The Building Block for Muscle and the Secret to Shedding Weight

Protein: The Building Block for Muscle and the Secret to Shedding Weight

Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in building muscle and losing weight. In fact, it is one of the most important nutrients for anyone looking to improve their body composition. Whether you're an athlete or just someone looking to get in shape, protein is a must-have nutrient. In this blog, we will explore the role of protein in building muscle and losing weight, and how you can incorporate it into your diet for optimal results. Building…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023

Stress Management During Pregnancy

Stress Management During Pregnancy

It is common for moms-to-be to have feelings of anxiety during their pregnancy. They may stress about the well-being of their baby, stress about preparing for the baby's arrival, stress about their bodies, and stress about the changes in their body. Especially the hormonal changes during pregnancy can influence your mood and these mood swings can make dealing with stress even more difficult. If stress persists during pregnancy, it can increase the chances of having a preterm baby (born before…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023

PCOS and Libido: Understanding the Connection and Ways to Improve It

PCOS and Libido: Understanding the Connection and Ways to Improve It

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide. It can cause a range of symptoms, including irregular periods, weight gain, acne, and hair growth. One lesser-known symptom of PCOS is a decreased libido, which can have a significant impact on a woman's quality of life. In this article, we'll explore the connection between PCOS and libido and discuss ways to improve libido. The Connection between PCOS and Libido PCOS can have a significant impact…


3 minutes



06 Apr 2023

Understanding The Paleo Diet

Understanding The Paleo Diet

Have you ever wondered how the hunter-gatherers had so much energy to live in all extreme conditions and thrive? Do you want to experience the benefits of the diet they consumed before modern farming emerged? The paleo diet, as it is called in the nutrition zone, consists of foods that individuals could obtain by hunting and gathering in the past. What is the Paleo Diet? The Paleo diet is essentially a keto diet but packed with all the benefits that…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023

Maintaining A Food Journal

Maintaining A Food Journal

Trying to become healthy? Want to change your lifestyle? Thinking of shedding weight? The easiest way to incorporate changes in your life and monitor them is by maintaining a food journal. Just like your diary contains your little secrets and provides you with a sense of satisfaction at the end of your day, A food journal helps you feel emotionally stable concerning food and motivates you to keep up your new dietary achievements by adopting healthier eating choices each day.…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023

Most read