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Wise words...
Simple meditative postures part 3
Simple meditative postures part 2
Does diet help with Erectile Dysfunction(ED)?! 🤔🧐
Simple meditative postures series 1
How to reduce bloating
How stress looks like
Happiness is...
4 effective ways to take care of your health during this festive season 😍❤️
Alignment for half moon pose.
Self care is Productive!
Getting back to form
Let's keep on working to improve our health!
Difference between probiotic and prebiotic
For healthy gut
Building strength
Spinal Mobility
Experiencing some of the symptoms in the chart?
Diet impacts skin. We know. What exactly boosts collagen?
Humanity is greater than status!
Building up strength & flexibility in a balanced way..
Picture that will make you smile 😊
Change your habits and the results would change...
Happy Monday!
Mental health check in
Poses for thyroid
Combat insulin resistance
Insulin resistance
Nutrition for a healthy sperm💪
Yoga for better Sleep
You deserve...
6 Reasons for Low Immunity
Let’s reflect for a while !!💫
How to Regulate your Emotions
Don't feel guilty for the Self!
Finding Balance in Life...
What happens in our brain when we exercise?
Share these with your Parents / Grandparents!
Evening hunger pangs driving you nuts??! 🤯 Not sure what to eat ?!🥲 Here are my top 5 picks !
Two quick tips to benefit fully & completely with your Online classes !
Why it's hard to talk about mental health
Posture for back pain 4
Yoga for the immune system 💥
Postures to relieve constipation
Body Check up karwaya kya ??! 🧐
🍥Eat mindful🍥
Did you know the benefits of SOAKED Almonds over just plain almonds ???
Postures for back pain 3
Some basic yoga poses
Postures for back pain 2
Stop feeling guilty for...
How to make sure that your children indulge in healthy eating ??!
Yoga poses for better sleep 🌙
Postures to relieve back pain 1
Foods to keep in mind when dealing with skin acne ! 🖤💜
Daily yoga poses
Let's celebrate self acceptance and growth👍
Safest plank
🤛Risky Wrist🤜
Benefit of sleeping early
Don't be afraid to start over...
Common mistakes in plank pt. 3
Iron rich foods for a healthy growth and development
Common mistakes in plank pt.2
Sleep well
💨😮💨Excess gas 😮💨💨
Common mistakes in plank pt. 1
Food for Soul ❤️🥳
Are u drinking 2 liters of water daily ? 💦💧
Always Remember:)
Have a healthy day ahead!
Kick start your day with a dash of Cinnamon 💫
Correct posture for lying down pt2
Happy and Healthy Week ahead
5 weekend must have habits
Lying down
Be a Leader
Basic yoga poses
Being gentle
Did you try the healthy Golden milk … know it’s benefits!!!!
Liver Health
Foods that help with Fatty Liver 💪😌
Paneer, cucumber, and tomatoe sandwich today with green chutney 😋
Setting goal
If you’re being mindful, Eating out can be fun, healthy (& guilt free)!
Six bad habits which you should stop right NOW
Delicious Home made white butter and it’s benefits ( Loni )
Leg raises correct posture
Low lunge with twist
Ways to support your Child's mental health
The three legged dog
Importance of Exercise and physical activity 🏃🏻♀️⛹🏻♀️🧘🏻♀️🏄🏻🏊🏻🤽🏻♂️🧗🏻♀️🚵🏻🏋🏻
Downwards facing dog
Is fat the only culprit for FATTY LIVER DISEASE ? The answer is over consumption of fructose & carbohydrates too can lead to this condition. Read on to know how !!!
Parivritta Trikonasana/ Revolved Triangle Pose
Depth of your posture
What does water do for you ? Are you getting enough of it ?
Understand and act accordingly
🔼Isometric and isotonic🔽
Rejuvenate today!
Did you pay a recent visit to your dentist?! Has chewing become a nightmare post that and all you can have is liquids? Then this post is for you😎
Being healthy should now become a habit👍
Deeper benefits of Sun other than Vitamin D🌞☀️
Forgive and get your emotional health back:)
Struggling is natural
Myth and fact
How to maintain your waistline while you travel 😍
Simple movements to help knee pain
Read the labels!
Is it okay to take supplements whenever we want to ?!
Supta Baddha Konasana/Reclining Butterfly Pose
Build a bridge
Understanding mental health means dismantling myths
Are you cutting down on healthy fats in your weightloss journey ?
Cultivate breath awareness
Picture says it all
Rejuvenate over the weekend!
Why should you choose iodised salt?
How to protect your Mental health !!!
Eat Your Veggies ❤️💚
Hope recharging yourself for the week ahead👍
Picture speak louder than words : Picture 8
Picture speak louder than words : Picture 7
Picture speak louder than words : Picture 6
Picture speak louder than words : Picture 5
Picture speak louder than words: Picture 4
Picture speak louder than words : Picture 3
Picture speak louder than words : Picture 2
Picture speak louder than words : Picture 1
Foods to boost your immunity this rainy season
The first crop of juicy GUAVAS from my garden !! 😋 The guava FRUIT is a source of vitamin C, fiber, and phytonutrients such as carotenoids, polyphenols, which function as natural antioxidants in the body.
Postpartum Recovery
How stress affects different system of the body
Gut health
Your Blood Sugar Clock
"The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists." Japanese proverb
So true
Toddler parents would agree😅
Breakfast time
Happy weekend!
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
You can do more than you think you can :)
Share happiness
Differet types of workouts for PCOS
Immunity Boosters
Hope having a balanced lunch today?
Ustrasana or Camel Pose
Hey mama 🤰🏻
Worried about Sugar & finding non sugar sweeteners ?
Improve Mindfulness
Importance of deep sleep
Practice gratitude daily for better mental health, peace, and joy within .
Health Problems Related to Stress That You Can Fix
You can probably guess what happens if you eat too much.
Asanas for improving digestion
Importance of bedtime routine
Physiological tool to manage Emotion
Deficiency of vit B12
Meditating on this thought today 😊
Sunday Habits
Are you craving Fried Food in Monsoon?
Cultivating habits
Pelvic floor dysfunction
CIRCARDIAN RHYTHM -- 🌗🌠🌞 what is it ? How does it help us ??
Try these tomorrow morning!
Stay Active
Yoga for healthy feet and ankles
Benifits of backbends
Stretches for tight shoulders
Start Strong!
Triangle Pose
Physiological tool to manage Emotion
MONSOONS ⛈️🌈☔️ should I make changes in the food I eat ??
Trust and Faith
Mindful Practice
Benefits of Seated Forward Bend
Spine Health Essentials
For better sleep 😴
Physiological tool to manage emotion
How to Boost your Immune System
Vitamin D
Gentle reminder ✨
Benefits of Low Lunge Pose:
Effect of sleep deprivation
Practicing the Crescent Lunge Pose
Rules for visiting Mama and baby after birth
Sarvang asana also know as shoulder stand.
Poses for better sleep
Walking barefoot
Postures to ease you when anxious !
A Relaxing posture for your back and neck after a long hectic day- Sphinx Pose
Happy Sunday ❤️🤗
Benefits of Salt
5 mins of relaxation
Discovering peace and joy within :)
Manage cortisol level
How cortisol level affects your gut
Extended Side Angle Pose
Did you check your mental weight on the scale ?! 🤯🤯
Understanding Boat Pose
Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness
Here's why you shouldn't use plastic containers to store or heat your food ☠️
Day 21: Easy Sitting Pose (The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Happy International Yoga Day!
Day 20: Goddess Pose (The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
What all can your 2 months old baby do?
Prop usage to keep your hands and wrist safe.
Mindful eating !!! ❤️Improve your relationship with Food …. Make a conscious choice for your health !!!🤗
How yoga for pregnant women helps😊
Ubhaya Padangusthasana- is a seated posture, where both big toes are held with both hands while balancing on your sitting bones.
Healthy habits
Day 18: Head to Knee pose ( The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Tree pose #Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge
Day 17: Big Toe Pose (The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Strategies that can help manage postpartum rage
🦋Butterfly pose 🦋
Differences in flexibility of Right and Left side
Inverted split #Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge
Types of Headaches
Day 16: Cobra Pose (The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Reminder to be consistent- Take this as a sign 🙂
10K steps everyday!
Why eat more Turmeric
Camel pose🧘♀️
Day 15: Pawanmuktasana (The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Start your meditation journey today, with Shyft!
Day 14: Pigeon Pose (The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Training the mind
How to create a life that you want in one year
Benefits of prenatal yoga 🧘♀️
Day 13: Half Split Pose ( The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Benefits of wind relieving pose ✨️
Habit 7
Habit 6
Habit 5
Habit 4
Habit 3
Habit 2
Habit 1
🌲🌳Hugging trees 🌲🌳
Chair pose with a twist #Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge
Day-9 'The ultimate yoga day challenge'
How does exercise help❓
Day 11: Double Big Toe Pose (The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Day 10: Lizard Pose (The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Soilder pose. 🎖️
Tips for a Healthy Weekend
Why walk during pregnancy?
Day 9: Pyramid Pose ( The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Picture says it all
Try this Blinking Exercise for Dry Eyes
Less time to cook? Make this! 🤤
Day 8- Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge
Day-6 : The ultimate yoga day challenge
Poll results 2
HYPERTHYROIDISM ( overactive thyroid gland - excess thyroid hormone) speeds up body metabolism. Symptoms include weight loss, hand tremors and rapid or irregular heartbeat. What to eat & what not to ? Read on....
Yoga poses to get rid of fatigue
Soluble Fibre rich foods - My top 9 selections
Day 7: Downward Facing Dog (The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Poor Posture
Start your day with lot of positivity in you👍
Side Bend !
Health Benefits of Daily Breathwork
The placebo effect
HYPOTHYROIDISM....what should be taken & what shouldn't be ???
Uterine Prolapse
How do I know if I'm drinking enough? And Should I worry about drinking too much water ?
Is water the only option for staying hydrated?
What about the advice to drink 8 glasses a day?
How much water do you need?
What are the health benefits of water?
Day 5 #ultimate yoga challenge
Alternate nostril breathing
Day 5- Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge
Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose
Day 4: Reverse Warrior Pose ( The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
What Causes Low Energy?
Understanding HYPOTHYROIDISM better !! Hypothyroidism = less functioning of thyroid gland
New Mama Guilt...
Day 3: Extended Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana) The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge
Prasarita Padottanasana stretch
Scale downs of the postures
What to expect with a newborn
Snack up well on your Litchis this summer season ☀️As they will not lychee go of your health 😎😎
DAY 2 #ultimate yoga day challenge
Day 2: Bharadwaja's Twist (The Ultimate Yoga Day Challenge)
Supine butterfly pose
Day 1: Urdhva mukha svanasana/Upward facing dog 🧘♀️
Uterine Fibroids
June Health Goals
Serotonin - our happy hormone
Constantly changing weather
Dietary strategies that will help you fight your headache 💆
Raw coconut piece as a Snack
Tips of getting a good sleep ❤️
Importance of sleep 😴
This meal is homemade, in other words I licked the spoon😋😋
Unlock your shoulders for optimal well being
Prunes- Dried plums
Stay hydrated
Knee strengthening or prevent knee injury.
The relevance of Breathwork
Making HEALTHY ...tasty too 🤗🤗💜
Did you know about chakotra Or grapefruit
Ways to be active
What Women Need to be Checked for Every Year
3 Reasons to Practice Nadi Shodhan Pranayama
Are you doing it right ?
Superfood - Chia seeds
Cobra pose vs Upward facing dog
Exercise for your Pelvic Floor
Breathwork is the key to bring awareness to your breath 😊
Snacks that can help you in keeping your gut healthy 🌿
Beautiful morning 🌄
Core strengthening
Storing breast milk
Home grown and organic
Let's fight with inflammation 🔥 in our body with these nutrients 🕺
Yoga Poses to Release Tight Shoulders
Emotional benefits of flowers🌻
So true👍
Some basic yoga poses for weight loss
Colourful plate is always balanced😋
Yoga poses to cool down the body
Morning breakfast
The right way to eat walnuts for maximum health benefits
Essential hair nutrients
What causes low back pain?
Pyramid Pose (Parsvottonasana)
Asana with names👇
Happy Monday, shoo the blues away 💜
Barley rice & dal - Diabetic friendly
Did you know?
Did you know?
If u Lack discipline read this ….
Try this meditative pose
Benefits of Malasana
Walking daily
# Vrikshasana
Effects of Sitting Posture
Spending time with nature🍃 #shyftyourhealth
Do you know ?
What happens when you squat while using the Toilet.
Self-Care Weekend
Good way to start your day..
Acro Yoga
10 ways to stimulate your Vagus Nerve
Daily Planner #shyftyourhealth
Repetitive Practice & Boredom
Just keep going ❤️
Day 4 #shyftToHealthyHabit 🥗
Food for gut health
Why Savasana is important ?
What is Basal Metabolic Rate and how can you boost your metabolism ?! 🧐
Burning calories #shyftyourhealth
Matsyasana (Fish Pose)
Gate Pose Twist by HighBp warriors 🪖
RE USING " FRIED OIL" ?? Is this a good choice 🤔🤔
Hot water with a pinch of coffee (Instant energizer) #shyftyourhealth
Day 2: My healthy habit ( to have balanced meals for the next 7 days)
Be consistent in your efforts to achieve your Health goal!
Healthy habits challenge
Make your 8 limb posture better!
Benefits of Balancing Poses
Shyft to Daily Healthy Habit Challenge ❤️
Shyft to Daily Healthy Habit Challenge
Green tea - a step to build up healthy habbit
Healthy Ragi cookies - snacks ideas.
Hip Hip Hooray!!
Have a productive Sunday!
Detox water- Make it a basic ingredient of your lifestyle!
Evening snack - Roasted Makhana
Ananda balasana or Happy baby pose
My breakfast today 😋
Empowering Your Practice: The power of positive affirmations
Watermelon special - Post workout smoothie
Take a BREAK😊✨
Breathing Trivia
Sunny ☀️ yoga
Basic posture to reduce back stiffness
Stay healthy in the heat!
HALF LORD OF THE FISH POSE. A super pose for Diabetes
Do not skip savasana after practice ✨️
Humming Bee Breathwork #WellnessEnergy✨
Healthy habits 😊
Smile 😃
Check this✅
How to mentally and emotionally prepare for both
The HEALTHIER twist to notorious POTATOES !! [ secret is to step up fiber in the potato dish & thus bring down its glycemic index] !!
Yoga for life with greater joy and productivity
A Proud moment
Right posture matters!
Downward Facing Dog
Will BABY STEPS really help me get to my goals ??
Loosening practices.
Jamuns commonly known as Indian blackberry, java plum or black plum are receiving attention as a health- protective functional food 🫐
Locust pose variation- working those back muscles
Half Moon Pose
Wrist and forearm stretches
Energizing & feeling confident with back bends
Dessert se taste bhi aur health bhi- Mango Tapioca pudding
Balancing poses
Drinking lukewarm water empty stomach
Holding the Inversions
Natural Healers
Visualization practice
Breath is the bridge
Cortisol is a stress harmony and it is bad right or does it have any other functions that help us to leave better?
3 easy kitchen hacks to get rid of bloating
Standing Forward Fold
✔️Toddler approved - Nutty chocolate bars !! 🍫😊👍
Back bends
The best asana to practice right after a Full meal
How breathing and posture are co-related??
Top 4 micronutrients needed for a healthy thyroid function
Is fruit juice healthy ?
Today's breakfast- Mango Oatmeal
Buddha Purnima 🌕
To our summer favourite : The Nariyal Pani and Malai🥥
Why should all the compliments be around physical attributes?
Let's work on hip flexibility today ✅
Whenever you feel stressed- just calm the mind😊
Rainfall 🌧️🌧️
Learn meditation and empower yourself with a better decision-making ability.
Sitz bath for postpartum
Butterfly pose 🦋
Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)
Together getting stronger every day!
Positive Affirmation Practice
Vitamin C - fresh food vitamin
Anjaneyasana - Relieves Sciatica & other spinal conditions.
Endorphins- The Happy Hormones😃
Sleepy time 💤😴
Dhanurasana/ Bow Pose
Shalbhasana (Advance pose)
Cheat meal with colours on my plate 😊👍
Upward facing dog pose allignment check
Connect to the rhythms of Nature 🍀
Today's breakfast- Oats pancake & tea
Pranayama practice in pregnancy 👶
Strenth training myth or reality( for joint pain) ?
Yoga nidra
Hidden secrets of Hips. 🧐
Lion’s Breathing
A perfect recipe for disaster?🤕
Colic and what it really means
Baby pressure points on feet to stop crying
Trace mineral - COPPER [ concluding part -3] Choose traditional wisdom but do it right !!
Happy Monday!
9 tips for a Healthy Weekend!
Sunshine vitamins for overall health 🌄🏖️
Trace mineral - COPPER [ Part 2]
Trace mineral -- COPPER ![ Part 1]
Are you sitting correctly?
Enhance iron absorption!!
High Functional Anxiety
Power of breathwork
Tips to help you bounce back after being sick
Do you skip shavasana in your class ?
Eat healthy #showyourplate Challenge accepted! 12th-18th April
Lot to learn and discuss on Communities!
Lymphatic health
The emotional values of postures
Manage swollen feet during pregnancy
Raw Banana - A Nutrition powerhouse that is easily available but underrated
Start your week fresh.
Destress and relax in nature
Get movin' for your gut health
Be Healthy always!
Vitamin K - for blood coagulation
OIL PULLING - does this help ?
Cat & Cow Pose- Great way to warm up the spine before workout
What happens when you meditate?
An uncommon but nutritious fruit- Bael or Wood apple
Stretch, hydrate, breathe and relax
Vitamin E - available freely
Importance of fasting
Don't let the desk keep you stiff
Vitamin D for bones
Down to EARTH !!
Try these tonight!
Confused about what to eat?
Vitamin A
Counter pose after a deep back bend.
Coconut flesh, an inexpensive substitute for Avocado! 🥥
Natarajasana (Dancer's pose)
Supine postures for restoration and relaxing
Sliding into the weekend
Started my day with yummy and healthy breakfast
Mind Full vs Mindful!
Yoga for back strengthening
Festive thali, but never not balanced! ✨
Hey Nature - why are you so therapeutic !!!! 😍
Step target achieved🎊
Full Camel pose
What is the importance of warm-ups in yoga classes?
Consuming water from an earthen/clay pot
Did you get your vitamin D ?
Started my day strong!
Childhood beliefs !! 🍉👧👦🧚♀️🧚 --- If you swallow a seed, it will grow into a plant ! How many of you grew up believing this ?
A very quick, delicious and healthy dinner!
Locust- A prone mini back bend posture
Have you soaked in some Sun today ?
Self Care
Pregnancy Mindset 💕
How to avoid knee injury during yoga
What is vagus nerve and what does it do?
Creating sleep hygiene
The role of yoga in Hashimoto’s disease
Vitamins- Simple Category
Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
Importance of guidance in your health journey
To enhance the quality of sleep!
Some Interesting fact about Human Body!
Cool facts about baby!
Box breathing to release stress and anxiety
Tree Pose
The stress response
Sun Salutation | Surya Namaskar
Breathwork Benefits
Bhramari pranayama during pregnancy
Getting ready for the weekend with the breathing exercises !
Benefits of gardening
Yoga in the workplace
Fasting??? And short of yummy and healthy ideas ?? 🤔🙆♀️
Came across this infographic which could come in handy as this flu seems to be getting the best of everyone these days! 🤧
What is grounding?
The Buddha Bowl 🥣
Happy Monday!
Benefits of water 2.0
What are circadian rhythms?
How are you planning to recharge yourself over the weekend?
Importance of eating meals on time
5 healthy habits to start with at home:
The Importance of a Morning Routine
Giving into cravings
Good morning and have a fantastic day!
Benefits of sleeping well
Muffin-top aka love handles 🙌🏼
Currently eating food that helps my gut..😋
A summertime favorite SALAD !!
Connect with the breath 🌬 calm and steady the mind🧘🏻♀️🧘♂️
Train for the BIGGER picture. The real reason to why to move your body.
TOMATOES 🍅 cause kidney stones - fact or myth ??
Improving gut health
Kids Nutrition ! !
Kids Nutrition ! !
For a peaceful night
When life turns you upside down- Strike a pose!
Encourage your child to be physically active
Beat the heat🥵
Craving for sweets
Ear Pressure Pose or Karnapidasana
Beat the heat 🥵
Lizard pose
Work in progress - All time favourite posture
Set your SMART goal
I like to call it- “The Bloody Mary” 🥤
Down with the FLU !!! 👩⚕️🤒
Ways to practice meditation
Detoxifying posture- Seated forward bend(Paschimottanasana)
Say goodbye to toxins 👋
Are you back on track post Holi?
Detox with Yoga - Revolved Triangle Pose
Wide legged Forward bend(Detoxification pose)
Restorative pose ( Reclined butterfly pose )
Is milk really healthy?
Standing Back Bend Pose
Prone positions
Wild Thing Pose
Mandukasana helping with digestion
Goddess pose 💪
My fav variation of savasana
Variation of shavasana (Prone shavasana)
My way of relaxing on the mat
Savasana - Mostly we do it in the last of the session and it's a most awaited pose for most of us😀
Common Labor/ Birth Fears
Savasana - Bolster Under Knees
How & where should I begin ? Will I be able to reach my goals ?? 🤔🤔
Who doesn’t like SAVASANA!!!! 😛
Variation Of Savasana
🛞 Chakrasana/wheel pose 🛞
My favourite workout!
The secret about COLLAGEN 🤫🤫
Plan your week ahead
Ways to Give Your Mind a Deep Cleaning
Stay with your moment
What is mindfulness?
Exam time fever...for parent or child ?? 🤔🤔
Do's for a better sleep
Does selenium help the thyroid gland ??
Core strengthening pose.
Kick start your day with this nutrient rich juice - ABC. The Apple-Beetroot - Carrot Juice. Listing down some facts and benefits of the juice!
Hip opener pose - Seated wide legged forward bend
I'm not an onion seed ....I'm a Nigella seed 🙂 I am KALONJI !
Pcos and exercise
Hip opener of the day: Wide angle seated forward bend/ Upavishta Konasana
Post your favourite hip opening pose
Crescent lunge pose
Chest opening pose.
Chest Opener
Lunch today: Aloo sabzi + Quinoa + curd with chia seeds + salad. 🍽️
Chest openers
Chest opener (Puppy Pose) with the help of blocks
Do you frequently have sweet cravings or know someone who does ?
Why were the guests, first served with curd and then the main course?! Well, because curd was more 'cultured' 😜
The Benefits of Yoga
Warrior pose
The food you don't CHEW is EWWWW - Part -2
Rules for visiting Mama and baby after birth
Today’s Lunch bowl.
Twin twisting 😅
3 benefits of tree pose
Butterfly Posture🦋
Butterfly posture
How to best support your partner during birth
The food you don't 'CHEW' is EWWWW
Talk to your Newborn
Rules of healthy sleep
7 steps to Jumpstart Healthy Habits
Pregnant and peeing a lot? Makes sense!
Oatmeal porridge for Acidity- A whole grain breakfast loaded with fiber & complex carbohydrates
This is so true!
Why Core Strength is Important than just building your six packs
10K steps every day! 🏃♀️
Stop making excuses!
First crop of cherry tomatoes 🍅 from my garden
An emotional detox journey
The secret to having balanced meals😋😉
Benefits of Breastfeeding for the baby
Sleep and Immune System
Role of Good night's sleep
The constant struggle of falling in and out of routine 🥲
Soak it guys 😍
Is ' Herbal tea' an ' actual tea ' ??🫖🫖 Here are the facts
Early Postpartum exercises
What are positive affirmations?
5 different breastfeeding positions.
Some benefits of breastfeeding!
Avocados - how do I eat that ?🥵
What's your reason to lose weight?! 🤔
Salads are not for everyone.
Auto-immune diseases & Yoga as a Lifestyle
Water for the winters !!!🥛
Know your poop, kyunki harr poop kuch kehta hain 😜
Why is NREM(Non Rapid Eye Movement) sleep important?
Improve Posture for a Healthy Back
Doing nothing is actually good at times!
Ways to Protect Your Cervical Spine
Top 10 superfoods for management of PCOS!!
Say NO 😼 to unsolicited advice from influencers and self-proclaimed nutritionists !!
#Monday motivation
Sweet cravings - I Got you the BOMBS 😜
The importance of taking time to recharge yourself
Yeh kaun hain jisne fruits ko itna badnaam kiya hain 🥲👀
Take care of yourself first
Morning Done Right 🧘🏻♂️🧘🏻♀️
Work from home - Got u glued 😞to your chair !!!
Easy Chair Twist
Yoga Practice and Birthing Positions
Winter classic. 🎃
Benefits of Breathwork/Pranayam
Meditation nourishes the mind in the same way that food nourishes the body.
Healthy Lifestyle
10 tips to boost your mental health
Jal hee jeewan hainnn 😋
Has to be my favourite evening snack!
Spinach mushroom curry with rice ( added a little amla for tang 😋)
Body Signals: Are You Listening?
Yoga for mental health
Wellness holistically
Importance of regular bowels!
Importance of seasonal fruits and vegetables
How should a balanced meal look like?
🧘♀️Take Yoga off The Mat 🧘♀️
Morning Practice 🌸
Favourite winter breakfast - Methi parantha and curd with chia seeds.
Gooseberry or Amla
Detox Your Body
Tips to help control stress
Ways to stay hydrated
Conditions affecting water needs
Importance of staying hydrated in the winter
couscous with veggies and herbs 🌿
Chai time ⚘️
Dairy and dairy products yay or nay !!!
From my kitchen garden!
How do you know if you have PCOS?
That feeling of getting periods on time!
Watch out for these guys when diagnosed with High Blood Pressure.
Consistency is the key!
Will eating fat free foods make you lose weight?
Shavasana-- The Favourite ❤️
Backbends - chest openers
Right Sitting Posture at Your Computer
Always enjoy the journey
Benefits of Exercise
🤸🏻♀️Go Easy With Your Yoga Asanas 🤸🏻♀️
Healthy eating tips for sticking to your diet on vacation ( contd.)
Healthy eating tips for sticking to your diet on vacation!
Bridge Pose
Roasted chana
Morning Affirmations to Start Your Day
Beat the winter blues 🌻🍎🥕🌞
Winter colours!
How Prenatal Yoga Class Helps
🧘♀️A Happy State Of Mind 🧘♀️
Eat late gain weight?
5 Health Benefits Of Soaking in The Winter Sun
Have you wondered what you should eat for breakfast?
Yogic gazing(Trataka)
Regular Physical Activity
Dry skin in winters ...a concern ??
Winter is here
The weather calls for some ‘Hot Chocolate’ innit?
Legs strengthening
Natural ways to cleanse the air at home
Some thought-provoking facts about something we all do thousands of times a day: Breathe 🫁
New to meditation?
Things to keep in mind while practicing prenatal yoga
Work life balance
Foods which can boost the health and growth of hair!
Eating out and eating right.
Signs you've gotten good night's sleep
Sleep recipe for mental, physical, and emotional strength
Feel Warm This Winter - Practice Yoga ❄️🧘♀️
Happy hormones for better mood
Do you think drinking tea/coffee will hamper weight loss ?
Critical nutrients for postpartum mothers
Improve your Gut health…Boost immunity !!!
Today’s Lunch Bowl.
Easy ways to manage gut health during winter
Keeping up the motivation
Digital Detox 📱👩🏻💻
Windshield Wiper exercise
Be Mindful !
Supine twists
Good night
Benefits of morning sunlight!
Listen to yourself
Boost your metabolism naturally !!!
Hi Sukanya, tell me an asana to reduce belly fat🥹
Balanced meals !!
Benefits Of Proper Alignment
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
Can yoga build muscle?
Dinner plate - Taste ✅ Nutrition ✅ Comfort ✅
Core strengthening during pregnancy
Trimester three !! What to eat & why ?
Top winter foods to include in your diet today!
Diabetes and Hypertension
What are the benefits of twists?
Trimester two ....what to eat & why ?
Foods for Morning Sickness
POTATO...🍠!!! And that too SWEET POTATO 😧
Stress.Stress.Stress. I don't like it.I avoid but
⚖️ Work-Life Balance ⚖️
Mezze Platter. 🍱
Positive Birth Affirmations
Stop. Breath. Observe. Proceed.
Here's the secret to step up your metabolism....
Restorative Child Pose
Are you eating for 2 people?
Never neglect
Symptoms to know if you have an Anxiety Disorder
Trimester 1 - what to eat & why ??
I have lost weight,how fast am I going to regain?
Letting go!
Happy new year everyone ✨️ 💛
Warm Up for 6 ‘minutes before starting work out
Halasana (Plough Pose)
The answer is always Calorie Deficit
Everything you need is within you🦋
The love and hate relationship with sweets!
How does caffeine affect sleep?
Asans for good digestion
3 nutrients for a healthy gut
Weight Management during PCOS
Gentle reminder
How Do I Speed Up My Weight Loss?
Health Implications of PCOS
Step up your iron !!
Not feeling thirsty in winters ? TRY THESE...
Strengthen pelvic floor muscles
Guidelines for Exercise During Pregnancy
Lifestyle changes to manage high bp
👩💻Risks of Extended Sitting 🧑💻
Cycle of sweet cravings
My go to breakfast! 🍲
Stress Management
Find your center
Winding Down
Water : Essential but overlooked nutrient
Symptoms of PCOS
Yoga for diabetes
You are beautiful Momma!
Management of health post delivery
The Iconics
Why is radish considered a winter superfood?
The beauty of yoga
Pelvic Floor Health
Mindful mornings!
Red flags of weight loss
Safety Guidelines for Prenatal Yoga
Stress, Lifestyle Factors and Infertility
Beat those cravings …. Damn !
Best Time For Practising Yoga
3 myths about Type 2 diabetes
3 Types of Diabetes
Fruits and diabetes
Rice and diabetes
Best time to take thyroid medication
Foods to be consumed in moderation in hypothyroidi
Spinal Twist for Diabetes
STILL.. Solitude..
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
It's never too late...
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Benefits of binaural beats
Periods and PCOS
Step up your protein !!
Top Foods for Breastfeeding Moms
Nutrients for Post Natal Mothers
Fatigue during pregnancy
Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
Symptoms of thyroid disorder
General Tips to Manage Hypertension
Superfood Alert
Diabetes awareness
Be kind to yourself
Diabetes and Stress
Drinks to Boost Metabolism in Hypothyroidism
Hunger Pangs at Night
Asanas for high BP
Yoga and high BP
Golden Rule of Weight Management
Top 6 Reasons for Hormonal Imbalance
Pregnancy Hormones - the tragedy maker
PCOD Guidelines
Foods that cause bloating
Suffering from Gas?
What is Hidden Sugar?
Labor Induction
Veggies to Avoid During Hypothyroidism
Importance of family time
Thinking how to reduce High bp 🤔?
Why inch loss is better than weight loss?
How can I tighten my pelvic floor after delivery?
How long does it take to lose postpartum weight?
Lowers down your bp with #Abdominal Breathing 🫁
Are squats safe to be practiced before 36th week?
Puppy Pose / Uttana Shishosana
Loving yourself
Set little milestones
Regularising periods
Gut and emotions
Why prenatal yoga?
Hydration in pregnancy
Prenatal self care affirmations
5 awesome benefits of balancing postures
Yoga and Nature
Sugar Free Date Laddoo Recipe
Gut health
Is mango the forbidden fruit for weight loss?
Yoga is lifestyle
Develop a new hobby
Diet in pregnancy....
Back Health
Starting with a good warmup
Why Soaked almonds are better for health?
Health is Wealth
The Secret to healthy eating !!
Mindful eating
What meditation does to your brain ?
Palak paneer may not be as healthy as you think
Put in right strategies to manage High BP
What can be done for bloating??
Exercises for Hypothyroidism
Happy & Healthy Pregnancy Tips :)
10 breathing techniques to help during pregnancy and labour
Self care routine post delivery
Common symptoms of PCOS
What are some of the risk factors associated with PCOS?
If you have PCOS what medical problems are you at risk for?
Benefits of breathing practices
Benefits of Meditation
Sleep position and posture for overall wellness
What is the best way to improve my mental wellbeing?
Unsure if exercising is safe with high blood pressure/
Managing High BP
Good health for the Gut!
The practices that help with Motility in the human body
Are potatoes bad for weight loss?
Do you need to count calories in my meals?
Don't skip your Savasana!
Suggest postures to improve vision